

Please think yourself about COVID-19 
③ Unknown facts about PCR testing

PCR testing for corona (COVID-19) really helping to detect infected people? Many experts have pointed out the inconvenient facts of PCR testing for the corona (COVID-19) but the major media, WHO and professional organizations dare to ignore it. If medical care is science-based, it should be discussed and verified first, rather than crushing objections?

Please think yourself about COVID-19
② A warning? Planned? Events of concern before the corona outbreak

This time, we looked at it against a variety of facts, assuming that Corona (COVID-19) was not spontaneous and might have been planned. Hollywood's pandemic movies, EU publishes pandemic comics, Bill Gates speech at TED, Simulating the pandemic of "Clade X" and "EVENT 201" and its supporting "John's Hopkins University," "World Economic Forum", and "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation"

Please think yourself about COVID-19 
① The location of the outbreak and the interesting facts before the outbreak

In COVID-19, even information from governments, specialized institutions, experts, and major media are inconsistent, or we are changing the policy completely different from before, making it very difficult to understand what is true. .. Therefore, in the series, we created an article titled "Please consider COVID-19 for yourself." It clearly shows you the source of your technical terms and information, so please take a moment to think about it yourself. This is going to have a lot to do with our future.
George Floyd

Black Lives Matter “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone / CHAZ → CHOP” built in Seattle by demonstration

Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrations spread across the United States following police killings of George Floyd. Eventually, six blocks of an area called Capitol Hill in Seattle, Washington was occupied by demonstrators, who declared the area an autonomous zone.
George Floyd

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is important, but the mysterious movement behind this demo

The choice of Americans in the future will definitely change not only the United States but the world. This is because, in effect, there is still a reality that American choices are being rolled out globally in other countries.